Monday, April 11, 2011

Building Things

My husband has been building this planter for most of the day. The evening light is gone now, but he remains out there in the back yard. When it's nice out and your outside, I've noticed, it's hard to come back in. He has gotten as far as he can on the planter without making a third trip to Home Depot today, so he has found other things to do out there. Organizing, cleaning, general puttering.

The girls think the planter is for them. They asked if it was going to be their stage or their play house. At this moment in the photo, it's their dance studio.

Some of these plants will find a new home in the planter. It's hard to get over the wondrous potential of a new plant.

Building things is really good, but it comes at a price. We all spent most of the day outside, which is good. But, the dishes from dinner have yet to be done, the laundry is sitting in its mountainous piles, the curtains I was working on two days ago remain on the ironing board, pins perilously poking out. It's hard  to look around, once you do finally come inside, and not feel overwhelmed. This is an emotion that I must work hard to suppress. There really is only so much that one can do in a day. It's either build something or clean something. It's hard to do both. I'm working on putting the blinders on and focusing on the task at hand, whatever it may be, and not allow myself to notice the mess here and there and in the other room I just passed.

Still, I'm feeling a bit out of control on the homemaking front. Probably means it's time to go to bed and get some sleep. Maybe in the morning I'll feel like tackling the house. (More likely though, I'll feel like planting some of the plants in that photo up above.)

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