Monday, March 7, 2011

A Pincushion Photo Instead of A Blue Photo

I'm reaching back to the holidays by posting these photos. I want to share something more recent, but lately my camera has been acting up and giving me blue photos. For now, I will share an image of a pincushion I made for a friend this past Christmas. She's just getting into sewing. To make the pincushion, I modified a pattern from the book Sewing Bits and Pieces by Sandi Henderson.

My grandmother began teaching me to sew when I was young, but you wouldn't be able to tell that from my technique. I am not the most proficient seamstress, but I'm trying not to let that get to me. In the meantime, I collect sewing, quilting and embroidery books so I can drool over the projects.

I hope to have a mini quilt to post soon too. When I get my camera to obey me again, I will share photos of that project.

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