When we moved into our house, it had many wallpapered walls--wagon wheels in the kitchen, black in the dining room, and black in the bathroom. In fact, the bathroom was covered in a black wallpaper flocked with a repeated image of those Chinese terra cotta soldiers, near their Chinese horses and a Chinese tree, all in gold.
That was the only room we didn't remove the wallpaper from right away. We lived with the gold Chinese soldiers for awhile and then decided we should tackle a minor bathroom redo. We removed the wallpaper and then lived with drywall for a year and half. ("Lived with" is a nicer way to say: "Lazily left the drywall")
Finally this summer, my husband tackled the rest of the job. We haven't redone the floor yet and hopefully some day the counter can be replaced, but at least the gold flocked terra cotta soldiers are gone as is the bare dry wall.
As for these little vases, I have had them for 13 years now. I got them on my first trip to Japan. They have been sentimentally hidden away in a box for a long time now. I hesitated to take them out of their hiding spot. I have not been using them out of fear of something happening to them. But, I often go through this argument with myself: saving versus using. And I know the right answer. Don't save. Use and enjoy. So, here they are...enjoying a spot in the newly freshened bathroom.
Finally, something a little nicer to look at.